
口袋学院网 2024-03-29 13:47 1




1. 连接词 However Nevertheless Nonetheless In contrast On the contrary

2. 转折副词 Although Even though Despite In spite of

3. 条件句 Even if Unless If not

4. 让步句 I admit that... I grant that... I agree to some extent...

5. 对比句 On the one hand...On the other hand... While...But...


1. 明确转折点:在作文中寻找需要转折的地方,可能是不同的观点、事实或段落之间的过渡。 2. 选择合适的句式:根据转折点的作用和语气,选择合适的表转折句式。 3. 注意衔接:转折句式应与上下文内容顺畅衔接,避免突兀生硬。 4. 平衡观点:如果作文需要对比两种观点,转折句式应能平衡两种观点,避免出现偏颇或主观情绪。


原文: Although the internet has brought convenience to our lives, it also has some negative consequences.

修改后: While the internet has undoubtedly revolutionized our access to information and communication, it is imperative to acknowledge its potential drawbacks.

原文: I agree that technology has made our lives easier in many ways. However, we should not overlook the importance of human interaction.

修改后: I admit that technology has streamlined countless aspects of our lives; nonetheless, it is crucial to recognize the irreplaceable value of face-to-face communication.


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