咖啡历史笔记高考语文 咖啡历史题对话

口袋学院网 2024-05-11 07:57 1


Though most coffee house activity involves killing time, there are patrons involved in more “serious” activities. I observed people at the coffee house involve in such consequential activities as writing books, writing wills, paying bills, tutoring college students, and collecting data for research projects. As with time killing activities, howr, the consequences of these more serious activities is interactional isolation, not third place conversation.

咖啡的由来:咖啡据说开始于11世纪初期,在的古文献上便可以看到该项记载.在那之前,地区是将咖啡生豆晒赶干了再煎煮后当胃喝的,后来得知咖啡也具有提神效果,再加上戒律严苛,禁止喝酒,徒们便用烘干后煎熬出来的汁液取代酒类成为兴奋性饮料.据说当地人懂得使用烘陪咖啡豆,已是13世纪以后的事.此种相当于咖啡前身的黑色饮料,以圣地麦加为中心,经由徒传了开来,先由传至埃及,再传至叙利亚.伊朗.土耳其等.当时的煮法是先将生豆晒,在烘干,以杵捣碎,Coffee Houses as Public Places加水熬煮后,待残渣沉淀,只饮用上层透明的部分.16世纪初,咖啡向欧洲传播开来.

咖啡历史笔记高考语文 咖啡历史题对话咖啡历史笔记高考语文 咖啡历史题对话

咖啡历史笔记高考语文 咖啡历史题对话













不久之后,咖啡广为流传到中南美洲,咖啡的栽植也扩大到世Coffee houses also provide s such as chess and backgammon as time killing tools. Third place s, according to Oldenburg, are s which “move along in lively fashion” (p. 30) and allow for vociferous involvement among players and spectators – Oldenburg gives Gin Rummy and the French Boules as examples of third place s. The overwhelming forite of coffee house patrons is Chess; it isn’t uncommon to see two or three chess matches going on at one time in the coffee house. Chess is not a like Gin Rummy where lively conversation is the rule. Instead, chess involves intense concentration among players and spectators alike; interactional privacy is afforded chess players so they can make the best sible moves.界各地。







Third places provide a place to interact outside the boundaries of first and second places that foster a sense of community among members. Informal participation in third places gives regulars an opportunity to be public; an opportunity that connects the lives of members with each other. In confining activities to home, a compley private place, and work, a compley and explicitly productive place, people lose their sense of belonging to a community – this is the case, argues Oldenburg, in modern society.



卡布奇诺、拿铁、凯旋咖啡、皇家咖啡、玛莎克兰咖啡、法兰西咖啡、焦糖码Coffee houses also provide s such as chess and backgammon as time killing tools. Third place s, according to Oldenburg, are s which “move along in lively fashion” (p. 30) and allow for vociferous involvement among players and spectators – Oldenburg gives Gin Rummy and the French Boules as examples of third place s. The overwhelming forite of coffee house patrons is Chess; it isn’t uncommon to see two or three chess matches going on at one time in the coffee house. Chess is not a like Gin Rummy where lively conversation is the rule. Instead, chess involves intense concentration among players and spectators alike; interactional privacy is afforded chess players so they can make the best sible moves.琪哈朵咖咖啡则长期由于各种影音产品的成为年轻、时尚、浪漫、富足、现代、开放的象征。多少小城市或者乡镇农村出身的年轻人进到大城市求学或打工,次喝到咖啡馆的咖啡时都会有一种莫名的成就感,虽然咖啡的味道大多数人一开始并不会喜欢。这种把咖啡和现代化挂钩的心态在整个东亚从日韩到港台到越南都很普遍,尤其韩国和对开咖啡馆和面包房的热爱就像韩国的徒一样远比更激进。啡、柠檬皇家热咖啡、女王咖啡、蛋黄营养热咖啡、卡鲁娃咖啡、白朗姆火焰、美丽与哀愁、红酒卡布奇诺、蓝山、曼特宁、摩卡等。






咖啡摩卡 由浓咖啡,巧克力酱,牛奶,鲜奶油制作而成。

拿铁咖啡 由浓咖啡,牛奶,奶泡,制作而成。

卡布奇诺 由浓咖上千年的茶文化和几百年的泡茶习俗迄今还是没找到和青年文化结合的很好接口,反而倒是人做大的奶茶产业扳回一局,现在网红奶茶店也有不少,企业规模还是无法和瑞幸和星巴克比,看看以后会不会有什么转机吧,也希望几百年的泡茶文化能得到商业发展的新生。啡,牛奶,奶泡,制作而成。

拿铁咖啡和卡布奇诺的不同之处是 拿铁咖啡里的牛奶多一些,奶泡少一些。



The interior of a typical coffee house is made up of numerous all tables occupied by individuals, couples, or groups of nor more than three or four people. There is very little conversation between tables, and the general rule is for conversations among groups to be kept at a ll which does not bother other costumers.


《咖啡的历史》是2007年哈尔滨出版社出版的图书,作者是郑万春 。该书讲述了在咖啡的香味里,翻阅人世流动的风暴和形形的兴趣,喝咖啡,是一次想象翻山越岭的旅行,因为我们在咖啡里,找到了心灵飞翔的方式。 有人说咖啡是一种精神。

意大利式拿铁咖啡(Caffe Latte)需要一小杯Espresso和一杯牛奶(150~200毫升),拿铁咖啡中牛奶多而咖啡少,这与Cappuccino有很大不同。拿铁咖啡做法极其简单,就是在刚刚做好的意大利浓缩咖啡中倒入接近沸腾的牛奶。事实上,加入多少牛奶没有一定之规,可依个人口味自由调配。

Though most coffee house activity involves killing time, there are patrons involved in more “serious” activities. I observed people at the coffee house involve in such consequential activities as writing books, writing wills, paying bills, tutoring college students, and collecting data for research projects. As with time killing activities, howr, the consequences of these more serious activities is interactional isolation, not third place conversation.


如果不放热牛奶,而直接在意大利浓缩咖啡上装饰两大勺牛奶泡沫,就成了被意大利人叫做Espresso Macchiato的玛奇哈朵咖啡。

欧蕾咖啡(Café Au Lait)













Modern U.S. so深烘焙的咖啡豆适量.ciety, writes Oldenburg, lacks places where people can simply “hang-out.” In fact, to hanSociologists he long discusses the impact of industrialization and ization upon peoples’ ability to construct a sense of belonging and shared identity with others in their lives; individual anomie and alienation he taken the place of organic community (Hewitt 19) and mechanical solidarity. There seems to be agreement that a defining characteristic of modern life is the lack of, and corresponding search for, community.g-out with nothing in particular to do is looked upon negatively; those who are not at home or work are seen as up to no good. What U.S. society lacks, argues Oldenburg, is an acceptable intersection between first and second place where rmal public interaction can occur – U.S. society lacks “third places.”





咖啡馆在德国刚刚开始盛行就受到了当地 当局的诸多限制。




危地马拉 为了吸引,1877年通过协助德国区的土地法律,并给予十年所得税减免、六年生产设备关税减免的优惠。






次世界大战中美国于17年正式宣布对德作战,巴西 因美国同意采购100万袋咖啡豆作为军粮,也对德国宣战,逮捕一批定居巴西的德国人。











To gather data for this I spent approximay sixty hours as a “formal” participant-observer at two coffee houses in sub Chicago. I spent a significantly larger amount of hours as an “rmal” participant-observer at a number of other coffee houses throughout the area. As a formal participant-observer I sat in the coffee house, and pencil in hand, taking notes on the happenings around me. These notes ranged from the most micro-details of individual behior (i.e. the scratching of one’s head or the ition of one’s cigarette) to a general demographic survey of the patrons. As an rmal participant-observer I attended the coffee house alone or with friends, leing my note pad at home. Although I did not take notes during rmal visits, I did keep an eye open for behiors and symbols both old (as confirmation of already discovered processes) and new (those not yet discovered).

“Coffee House Cotillion: The Construction of Private Space in a Public Place”


Coffee houses he a standing pattern of behior characterized by the existence of private space. Patrons negotiate the construction of private space through involvement in one or both of two processes. The “process of not bothering” and the “process of engagement” prnt routine, ryday encounters at the coffee house from becoming too intimate; interactions remain at a “stranger” ll.

No interactional order, howr, is immune to interference by way of “inappropriate” behiors. I examine four incidents where the processes of not bothering and engagement, and the private space they maintain, are disrupted in the coffee house: intentional and momentary, intentional and prolonged, coincidental, and accidental. In the nt of disruption patrons are faced with the perception that “soming unusual is happening (Emerson 1970) and must act to bring the situation back to normal.

Community and Public Life

Sociologists he long discusses the impact of industrialization and ization upon peoples’ ability to construct a sense of belonging and shared identity with others in their lives; individual anomie 失范and alienation he taken the place of organic community (Hewitt 19) and mechanical solidarity. There seems to be agreement that a defining characteristic of modern life is the lack of, and corresponding search for, community.

Coffee houses fill a niche in modern society as a public place where people are “uniquely accessible, ailable, and subject to one another” (Goffman 1963, p. 22). Regular attendance and theHistorically, third places are the pubs and coffee houses of European cities where individuals go and “on any given visit some of the gang will be there” (p. 32). Talk is plentiful and good here, and takes place on neutral ground where people “do not get uncomfortably tangled in one another’s lives.” (p. 22). Furthermore, third places are “llers” open to all and emphasize “qualities not confined to status distinctions current in the society” (p. 24). construction of private space in a coffee house establishes a community of strangers where only the more general characteristics of other regulars’ identities are known (Simmel 1971).

Third Places

Oldenburg argues that the core of people’s activity occurs in two “places.” The “first place” is the home; people’s private family life occurs here. The “second place” is work; this place “reduces the individual to a single, productive role” (p. 16).

The type of coffee houses I’m describing are like third places in that membership simply requires routine attendance. Coffee houses differ from third places, howr, because patrons do not go expecting to meet with other regulars for pures of rmal conversation. Instead, patrons go to the coffee house and construct private spaces in the midst of strangers who he constructed private spaces of their own. Coffee houses are public places for private activities.

Many activies occurring at the coffee house he the quality of “time killing.” Killed time is inconsequential time that does not impinge upon the more “serious” aspects of one’s life (Goffman, 1963; Can 1966). Reading, playing, and idle conversation within one’s own private space are common time killing activities in the coffee house. Though inconsequential, these activities do not resemble the rmal interactions of third places. Time killing activities pursued by coffee house patrons are kept within the boundaries of constructed private space and do not unnecessarily involve other patrons.

The coffee house is furnished with a multitude of “tools” that offer soming to do for individuals with time to kill. The most common tools are reading materials such as magazines, newss, and used books. These s are strewn throughout the coffee house and are readily accessible to all patrons. It is also common for patrons to bring along their own books and magazines as time killing tools.

Like third places, patro at the coffee hose is regular and one often recognizes other regulars. But regulars here rarely do more than make eye contact and nod to one another. Regularity of patro at the coffee house does not lead to lasting third place interactions. One the contrary, as my makes clear, the overwhelming interactional activity taking place at the coffee house revolves around how not to become friendly with other regulars.

“Coffee House Cotillion: The Construction of Private Space in a Public Place”

Coffee houses he a standing pattern of behior characterized by the existence of private space. Patrons negotiate the construction of private space through involvement in one or both of two processes. The “process of not bothering” and the “process of engagement” prnt routine, ryday encounters at the coffee house from becoming too intimate; interactions remain at a “stranger” ll.

No interactional order, howr, is immune to interference by way of “inappropriate” behiors. I examine four incidents where the processes of not bothering and engagement, and the private space they maintain, are disrupted in the coffee house: intentional and momentary, intentional and prolonged, coincidental, and accidental. In the nt of disruption patrons are faced with the perception that “soming unusual is happening (Emerson 1970) and must act to bring the situation back to normal.

Community and Public Life

Coffee houses fill a niche in modern society as a public place where people are “uniquely accessible, ailable, and subject to one another” (Goffman 1963, p. 22). Regular attendance and the construction of private space in a coffee house establishes a community of strangers where only the more general characteristics of other regulars’ identities are known (Simmel 1971).

Third Places

Oldenburg argues that the core of people’s activity occurs in two “places.” The “first place” is the home; people’s private family life occurs here. The “second place” is work; this place “reduces the individual to a single, productive role” (p. 16).

The type of coffee houses I’m describing are like third places in that membership simply requires routine attendance. Coffee houses differ from third places, howr, because patrons do not go expecting to meet with other regulars for pures of rmal conversation. Instead, patrons go to the coffee house and construct private spaces in the midst of strangers who he constructed private spaces of their own. Coffee houses are public places for private activities.

Many activies occurring at the coffee house he the quality of “time killing.” Killed time is inconsequential time that does not impinge upon the more “serious” aspects of one’s life (Goffman, 1963; Can 1966). Reading, playing, and idle conversation within one’s own private space are common time killing activities in the coffee house. Though inconsequential, these activities do not resemble the rmal interactions of third places. Time killing activities pursued by coffee house patrons are kept within the boundaries of constructed private space and do not unnecessarily involve other patrons.

The coffee house is furnished with a multitude of “tools” that offer soming to do for individuals with time to kill. The most common tools are reading materials such as magazines, newss, and used books. These s are strewn throughout the coffee house and are readily accessible to all patrons. It is also common for patrons to bring along their own books and magazines as time killing tools.

Like third places, patro at the coffee hose is regular and one often recognizes other regulars. But regulars here rarely do more than make eye contact and nod to one another. Regularity of patro at the coffee house does not lead to lasting third place interactions. One the contrary, as my makes clear, the overwhelming interactional activity taking place at the coffee house revolves around how not to become friendly with other regulars.

Thus, like third places, coffee houses are places where people can interact away from the intimacy of home and productivity of work. Unlike third places, coffee houses are places which foster privacy. People do not go to the coffee house, as they do a third place, to engage in lively conversation with regular others. The regulars at the coffee house remain strangers; one is comfortable in seeing the same regulars on a daily basis, but does not want them as friends.

This said, this is a study of the processes by which people construct the private spaces which proliferate in a specific type of modern public place -- the coffee house.

The two coffee houses I observed had the same owners and the same name. The first was located on the corner of a mildly busy street intersection. Because of its location near a mid-size university, a student age population made a strong showing here at all times of the day. In the morning, because of its location across the street from a public transportation station, al line ran to the door of patrons buying coffee “to go;” the coffee house was just a stop on their way to work. On weekend and Summer nings the coffee house became overrun by high school students who quite literally took the place over. They pushed tables toger moved freely from table to table and clique to clique; talked and yelled so that all could hear; and ran through the rooms with seeming disregard for patrons who were not members of the high school crowd.

The overall age comition of the second coffee house was older than that of the firt the cliene fit generally into what many would call “yuppies” or “thirtysomings.” This was due to the second’s location in a more residential area of the city, further away from the university and high school. On weekday mornings and afternoons mothers with infants gathered and were the main costumers. This coffee house was also very near public


The process of not bothering is characterized by individual actors, Singles, who are by themselves at the coffee house. The process of engagement involves multiple actors, Withs , who are toger at the coffee house. Patrons involved in one or both of these processes are signaling Modern day coffee houses are similar to what Ray Oldenburg, in The Great Good Place (1989), describes as “third places” where regulars gather for the pure of rmal interaction. Yet the fact that interactions remain at a “stranger” ll makes coffee houses importantly and rmatively distinct from third places in the formation of community.to others a desire to be alone.

咖啡与可可、茶同为流行于世界的三大主要饮品之一,是用经过烘焙的咖啡豆制作出来的饮料,咖啡一词来源于拉丁文中的生物属类名coffea,这个属类是茜草科植物类的一员,咖啡品种多样,其中多数都是热带树木和灌木。 一般认为,非洲是咖啡的故乡,公元六世纪埃塞俄比亚有一个叫加尔弟的牧羊人发现了咖啡。威尼斯商人于1615年首次将咖啡带入了欧洲。咖啡首次在美洲种植是十八世纪二十年代,到了1925年,种植咖啡已成为中美洲和南美洲的传统。到现在,喝咖啡已经成为部分现代人的生活习惯。

Modern day coffee houses are similar to what Ray Oldenburg, in The Great Good Place (1989), describes as “third places” where regulars gather for the pure of rmal interaction. Yet the fact that interactions remain at a “stranger” ll makes coffee houses importantly and rmatively distinct from third places in the formation of community.

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